How to Register

If you’re new to our church, we have a place for you! Join us at any of our worship services.

If you’re a member or regular attender, please consider making an RSVP to help us best plan and make room for others.

Please contact [email protected] for more information.


Frequently Asked Questions

Are safety measures being provided on campus?

Yes! We’re requiring health checks on all staff and volunteers before our services. You may see more masks and hand sanitizers, but that’s a good thing. We’re continuing to thoroughly clean and disinfect our building for your safety, too. We also will still keep to social distancing guidelines, such as staying at least 6 feet from each other (sorry to the huggers), not passing an offering plate/bucket, and using designated entrances and exits.

Can I come to in-person gatherings if I’m sick?

We’re encouraging everyone (i.e. staff, volunteers, church members, or Bob down the street), to stay at home if they’re symptomatic, have a fever, have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, or have traveled internationally or to a domestic hot spot in the past two weeks.

When will Preschool, Children, and Student Ministries resume gathering?

As soon as it is safe to do so! In the meantime, we will continue to have family worship services. Be on the lookout for resources from us to help keep your little ones engaged in service.

How can I stay connected during this time?

We care deeply about your ministry needs, so we are diligently working to provide you with helpful and uplifting resources! Each of our campuses will continue to hold online worship gatherings. Our Groups are also meeting via video to stay in community. Let’s continue to be the church as we engage in rhythms of worship, discipleship, and prayer during this season.